Kick-off Meeting


The Kick-off meeting for the two AFOSR-sponsored MURI programs on “Membrane-Based Electronics: Foldable & Adaptable Integrated Circuits” will be held on September 11th, 2015 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The meeting will start at 9am with breakfast in the Grier room (34-401) of MIT. That is in the 4th floor of 50 Vassar st., Cambridge, MA.

[creativ_map latitude=”42.3613361″ longitude=”-71.0920689″ width=”100%” height=”240″ zoom=”16″ infowindow_text=”Grier Room, 34-401; 50 Vassar Street; Cambridge, MA”]


9:00-9:50 Breakfast

9:50-10:00 Welcome remarks by Dr. Harold Weinstock (Program Manager)


10:00-10:20 Introduction to the MIT/Harvard/USC MURI (PI: Tomas Palacios)
10:20-10:50 Thrust 1: Synthesis of 2D Materials (Lead: Jing Kong)
10:50-11:20 Thrust 2: Folding of 2D Materials (Lead: Michael Strano, co-lead: Peng Yin)
11:20-11:30 Coffee Break/Poster Session
11:30-12:00 Thrust 3: Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems (Lead: Han Wang)
12:00-12:30 Thrust 4: Molecular and Mechanical Modeling (Lead: Markus Buehler)
12:30-12:45 Summary and Future Work (PI: Tomas Palacios)
12:45-13:45 Lunch/Poster Session

Cornell/Stanford/Johns Hopkins University MURI

13:45-14:05 Introduction to the Cornell/Stanford/Johns Hopkins MURI (PI: Jiwoong Park)
14:05-14:35 Thrust I: 2DLM based integrated circuits (Lead: David Muller)
14:35-15:05 Thrust II: 2D-3D transformation with Kirigami, Bending and Self-Folding (Lead: David Gracias/Paul McEuen)
15:05-15:15 Coffee Break/Poster Session
15:15-15:45 Thrust III: Remote actuation, detection, and communication (Lead: Jonathan Fan)
15:45-16:05 Thrust IV: Systems integration, deployment, and applications (Lead: H. S. Philip Wong)
16:15-16:30 Summary and Future Work (PI: Jiwoong Park)

16:30-17:15 Government Caucus

17:15-17:30 Feedback to teams



Registration is now closed.  For walk in registration, please stop by the registration desk at 8AM (Bldg. 34-401) 50 Vassar St. Cambridge, MA


If you would like to book a hotel in the surrounding areas of MIT, please click here for more information.